Swiss Medtech Award

Scewo Bro, the power wheelchair

Scewo AG

Hightech in the Fight against Spinal Tumors


solutions for dental implant care

Galvosurge AG

LaparoS, the next generation in laparoscopic training


EyeWatch system

Rheon Medical / Coat-X

Directional Deep Brain Stimulation

Aleva Neurotherapeutics

Hearo, a new Robot for minimally invasive cochlear implantation


Ava Bracelet – A fertility tracker that supports women who want to have children

Ava Science

Lung on Chip for testing drugs against pulmonary fibrosis

Berner Unispital / AlveoliX

Cell encapsulation technology for personalized cancer immunotherapy

Unispital Genf / Maxivax

FLOAT Robot Assisted Gait Rehabilitation

Balgrist / Universität Basel / Lutz Technology

CARLO – A system by which a robot can precisely cut bones contact free with a laser

Universität Basel / AOT AG

Femtosecond laser with tomographic imaging for corneal and cataract surgery

Fachhochschule Bern, HUCE-optoLab und Ziemer Ophtalmic Systems

Der Swiss Medtech Award (vormals CTI Medtech Award) würdigt jedes Jahr herausragende Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Medizintechnik. Visum Design darf die 3 Finalisten im Vorfeld der Preisverleihung porträtieren.


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